Frecuent questions

What does DonostiaTEKA contain?

How is DonostiaTEKA structured?

How can I search for items in DonostiaTEKA?

How do searches appear in DonostiaTEKA?

How is the information and the digitised document of the work that I am interested in shown in DonostiaTEKA?

How are reproductions cited in DonostiaTEKA?

What are the conditions to access the digital collections?

What does DonostiaTEKA contain?

DonostiaTEKA contains more than 450,000 digital pages, which are the result of the various projects to digitise items and collect digital resources carried out by the Donostia Kultura Municipal Library Network since 2003.

The materials to be digitised have been selected based on various criteria, and priority has been given to preserving original documents and their interest for research. We have also aimed to provide a sample of the different kinds of collections that have been kept in the Municipal Library Network, which will gradually be enriched. The types of documents that we can find are:

The DonostiaTEKA collections will be periodically increased through different digitisation projects financed by Donostia Kultura, the Basque Government Department of Culture or other bodies.

How is DonostiaTEKA structured?

DonostiaTEKA uses Dspace software. This is an open source software package that provides tools to administer digital collections, and is commonly used to create institutional bibliographic repositories. 

DonostiaTEKA is made up of various collections, which include the different kinds of documents. These are the collections in DonostiaTEKA:

Selection of articles mainly about the history of health in San Sebastián, written by Manuel Solorzano, a nurse by profession, who has mainly carried out research on the history of the hospitals of San Sebastián, among other things.

Posters: Selection of posters from the Fiestas Department about the main sports and festive events in the city: Carnival, Euskal Jaiak, fireworks etc.

Illustrations: Selection of original illustration from the Asun Balzola collection (Bilbao, 1942-2006), whose donation is kept in the Children’s Section at the Central Library. They are subject to copyright

Collection mainly made up of photographs of the district of Amara. These are photographs provided by residents in Amara. These and other kinds of documents about Amara form in turn the collection called Amarauna. 

Selection of books about different aspects of the city of San Sebastián, such as the six historical novels.

Selection of historical maps and plans that mostly come from the Library of the Duke of Mandas.

Selection of scores by outstanding figures like the folklorist, Juan Ignacio de Iztueta (1767-1845), Raimundo Sarriegui (1838-1913), the composer of the San Sebastián March, and Eusebio Basurko (1856-1921), leader of the Municipal Basque Flute Band.

Collection of historical newspapers published in San Sebastián from the late 19th century to 1936, these are very important for historical research as they are mainly unique collections.

The contemporary digitised press can be consulted in the Central Library (Alderdi Eder)

Digital reproductions of the various issues or instalments that form a newspaper or a magazine. This is a selection of mainly local magazines that are difficult to find.

Some of the collections are divided in turn into sub-collections.

In the sub-collections you will finally be able to access the documents.

Example of a collection and sub-collection

How can I search for items in DonostiaTEKA?

Documents can be searched for either through a simple search or by listing.

Simple search

To search in all DonostiaTEKA, use the search box on the top left side of the screen.

Search tips:

Acue* recovers acue, acuer, acuerdo

The pearl of the beaches

+Queralt +2013 recovers those documents that contain both words.

Ignacio -Solorzano or Ignacio NOT Solorzano recovers those documents that contain the word, Ignacio, but not Solorzano.

AND – searches for items that contain all the words or phrases that have been combined with this operator. Example:

Carnaval AND Sarriegui will return all the items that contain the words "carnaval" and "Sarriegui".

OR – searches for items that contain any of the words or phrases that have been combined with this operator. Example:

Aita OR Francisco will return all the items that contain the words "Aita" or "Francisco".

NOT – excludes the items that contain the words that follow this operator. Example:

Sarriegui NOT carnival will return all the items that contain the word "Sarriegui" EXCEPT those that also contain the word "carnival".

Brackets allow you to group together different search terms. Example:


To restrict the search to a specific collection, navigate to the collection and use the search box for each one of the lists.


DonostiaTEKA also provides the traditional bibliographic search system using lists. Each of the collections has the following search options:

For example to search for posters by the author Goio:

Navigate to the “POSTERS AND ILLUSTRATIONS” collection. Choose the “POSTERS” sub-collection.

The LIST options are shown. Choose the “AUTHOR” option

In “AUTHOR” there are two search options:

- Search. Search box by lists: write “Goio”

- Go to: in the alphabet go to the first letter of the surname that you are searching for, for example, “G”


How do searches appear in DonostiaTEKA?

When you carry out a search the list of results is shown. The programme automatically offers a list arranged in alphabetical order by title, in ascending order, that is, from A to Z. However, there are various possibilities for arranging the results. They can be arranged by:


This option allows you to narrow down (refine) the results.  You need to enter the word that you are searching for in the filter box and indicate the type of search that is shown in the drop-down menu: 

- Titles, authors, subjects or dates.

- The same as, Not the same as, Contains, ID, Does not contain, NO ID.

For example, search for works by Sarriegui with the term Carnival in the title.


This option allows you to narrow down the results by browsing the terms shown in Authors, Subjects and Date.

How is the information and the digitised document of the work that I am interested in shown in DonostiaTEKA?

A preview is shown in the results. To see this in its entirety or to download it you need to access the bibliographic record.

The bibliographic records are shown by default in file format and describe the document.

At the bottom of the file it is possible:

- To access the digitised document

- To view the description in Dublin Core format.

How are reproductions cited in DonostiaTEKA?

In both cases, the DonostiaTEKA web site address will also be cited (https:/

What are the conditions to access the digital collections?

Obligations to be met by the user:

For its part, Donostia Kultura undertakes to ensure: