
ZBE Cambio de idioma


Foreign registration vehicles



Donostia / San Sebastián's Low-Emission Zone covers an area of 1.2 km2 in the city's Centre district. In order to safeguard air quality and public health, vehicles causing the most pollution are not allowed to drive around the Low-Emission Zone.


In the case of vehicles with foreign license plates, all must request prior authorization to access the Low-Emission Zone.

The minimum requirements for vehicles with foreign registrations to access are as follows:


PHASE ONE (2025-2027)

  • Motor bikes and mopeds registered after 01-07-2004

  • Cars and vans (petrol and diesel) registered after 01-01-2006

  • Trucks, buses and coaches: 

    • Petrol: registered after 01-10-2001

    • Diesel: registered after 01-10-2006


PHASE TWO (after 2028)

  • Motor bikes and mopeds registered after 01-01-2007

  • Cars and vans:  

    • Petrol: registered after 01-01-2006

    • Diesel: registered after 01-01-2014

  • Trucks, buses and coaches

    • Petrol: registered after 01-10-2009

    • Diesel: registered after 01-10-2014

Hybrid, gas-powered or electric vehicles shall also require prior authorization, and their acces will be granted regardless of the date of registration.

Vehicles of people with the following permits will also be authorized:

  • European Disability Card or equivalent
  • Historic vehicle certificate or equivalent


Access to the Low-Emission Zone is granted only to vehicles which meet these requirements and have completed the statement of compliance before entering the zone.

Once the procedure is completed, the vehicle will have authorization to enter the Low Emissions Zone until the end of the first phase (2027), as long as it meets the above described requirements. No notification will be sent unless there is a lack of information or it does not meet the minimum requirements.

The following information must be supplied as part of this procedure:

  • Owner of the vehicle

  • Type of vehicle

  • Registration

  • Date of registration

  • Type of fuel

  • Technical data sheet

Infringement of these regulations is punishable with a fine of 200 euros, and this amount may be increased by 30% for any repetition of the offence (more than one infringement over one year).

More information: (+34) 943 48 10 00

Link to the procedure